Our first stop in Rome

Our first stop in Rome
Rome, Itlay

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Getting ready to get ready.... for the Junior Volleyball Tour to Italy

On the Beach in Grosseto...

As we get closer to our departure date … players and parents start to realize ….  "But... I have a question"...

Here are a few of the recent questions that have been asked... perhaps your question is one of them.

Q. How do I know my players flight schedule?
A.  We have included the confirmation number in several of the previous email…. Simply log into the airline website … type in your name and the confirmation number.. you will see your specific flight details.
Q. My player has a connecting flight…in another city… how do they know where their next connecting flight is?
A. When they land … they will exit the plane and enter the terminal.  In the terminal there will be an airline person to assist travelers with finding their next flight.  They will ask “where is the departure gate for Rome…. And how do I get there” … They will be directed to the next gate.
Q. Will they need to pick up her luggage in the connection city?

Q.  How will I contact someone the day of our departure?
A. We will send out the specific contact number for each tour prior to the departure date.  If you have a problem… you will be able to contact Russ for tour number 1 or contact Gene for tour number 2.

Q. Will someone meet them at the connection airport?
A. Russ and Gene will meet the players as they exit their planes.  (However … this is not always possible due to several players arriving at the same time at different gates….)  Individual players should ask the attendant as they exit the plane... where the connecting gate is for their flight.
Q. How long have you been doing the tours? (it seems a bit late to have someone ask this question... but...)
A. We have been doing volleyball tours since 1980.  We have been doing this specific tour to Italy for the past 18 years. 

Q. What is the supervision ratio … Players to Supervisors?
A. One supervisor per Eight (8) players.  Along with this we have about 60% of our players have one or more parents attending out tour… While this is not required it is helpful to have additional adults to assist in the supervision of the travelers.

Q. Is there a curfew?
A. Yes each night we have an 11:30pm curfew.

Q. What is the drinking alcohol policy?
A. We have a no drinking alcohol policy for under age travelers.

We feel very confident of our rules and the enforcement of our rules and feel our record of safety over the past 32 years shows that our tours are well supervised, organized and conducted.
Our office staff will be departing very soon to Rome to conduct the adult volleyball tour.. We will have email access … but again it there may be a little delay due to the time differences.
Please let me know if I can assist you in any way….
Thank you,

John Littleman
Director, Sports For Youth Foundation 


  1. Very cool.... Looking forward to more posts

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