Our first stop in Rome

Our first stop in Rome
Rome, Itlay

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tour Questions - Part 2

Leaning tower of Pisa... It really does lean!
Q. What will the weather be like while on tour?

A. FANTASTIC.... normally it is about 80-90 degrees ... Sunny and warm. Bring sunscreen...

Q. I did not order a tour sweatshirt…. Can I still get one?
A. maybe … we have a few those who want one but did not order one should let us know ASAP.

Q. I tried to change my airline seat for my itinerary … but the did not let me do it
A. This is not unusual … they often times will wait until a week or so before the flight before assigning a specific seat. Keep checking online or if you want you can call the airline to ask for your seat assignment.

Q. Is there a packing list somewhere?
A. Yes in one of the recent newsletters (online) there is a suggested list of things to bring.. and not to bring… Most important thing….. DO NOT OVER PACK…!!!!!

Q. What about the gifts that we are to bring?
A. it is customary that we give the people that we play a little trinket / gift as we go through the line to shake hands… Each player would give a little “something” to a player on the other team. We will play about 6-8 different teams… This should be something that represents where you live. Perhaps go to the chamber of commerce and ask to see if they have something ... or a business in your community. These should not be expensive items.. Key chain, post card etc...

Q. What about using the electric outlets... do I need an adapter?
A. Yes. An adapter for the wall plugs.. in Italy they are 2 round plugs and England 3 prong plugs. Also you may need a converter to regulate the voltage. Most computer plugs will do this automatically... but is you try to use your hairdryer.... you will end up with wet hair ... and a fried hairdryer...

Please let me know if I can assist you in any way….

Thank you,

John Littleman

Director, Sports For Youth Foundation


Volleyball Tours

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