Our first stop in Rome

Our first stop in Rome
Rome, Itlay

Saturday, June 14, 2014

2014 Day 1 Rome Junior Age Volleyball Tour June

2014 Junior Age Volleyball Tour Day 1 Rome

The first group of 2 different flights began to land in Rome at about 8:30am….It was schedule to arrive at 8:50am but due to bad stormy weather it actually departed the USA early to avoid the bad weather.   As each flight landed and exited the luggage area… John met them and took them to the “waiting area”, showed them where to change money and … most importantly…. Where to go to the bath room….  As each group arrived our waiting area grew larger and larger… 

The final people arrived and we went outside to go to our bus…. The air was hot and filled with cigarette smoke… (it is illegal to smoke indoors in Italy.. but that does nothing to help when you walk outside expecting FRESH AIR… only to be greeted with a face full of smoke…).  We boarded our Motor coach for our 45 minute drive into Rome and to our accommodations…  It took a few minutes to get our large group into the rooms those who were on the 3rd or 4th floor could use the elevator…

We all settled in … took showers … had a bite to eat and slept until it was time to go to practice.  We practiced for a couple of hours learning each others names and the type of system we would use for our team
By this time everyone was experiencing some heavy jet lag and our eyes and body were starting to drag.  We had a quick bite to eat at a little café near our hotel and …. Off to our BEDS….. AHHHHHH Sleep
Tomorrow…. The Coloseum, Circus Maximus, Ancient Roman Forum ... and our first MATCH...

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