Our first stop in Rome

Our first stop in Rome
Rome, Itlay

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

2014 Volleyball Tour Day 12 Return to the USA Day

2014 Junior Age Volleyball Tour Day 12 Return to the USA Day

It was a short night for us, many girls stayed up in their rooms chatting until midnight… and packing to make the morning a little easier and less stressed. 
This morning we could hear the chirping of the song birds, the whoo whooing of owls off in the distance, but most of all we could hear the cawing of the seagulls… no not cawing… but rather the howling cat like sounds as the would taunt each other from the roof tops just outside our hotel window…. I am still amazed at how loud these birds can screech… and as the day light gets brighter …. The louder the birds get..
The cafe owner next to our hotel opened early for us today... allowing us to have our final chocolate croissant and cappuccino ... before our departure to the airport.
ONE FINAL SELFIE..... (smile....)
As we made our way from the hotel to the bus everyone was fairly quiet and the clack – clack of our roller suitcases on the cobbled streets of Venice were quite evident.  The cool fresh air felt good and helped to wake us up. 

Just as were catching the bus to the airport... the light rain began to fall.... We interpreted it not as rain but rather mother natures tears biding us a farewell from our amazing experience here in Italy....
The bus ride was only about 30 minutes long and we quickly arrive at the airport.  We quickly found our check in counter and jumped in line with all the other folks who were returning home from Venice today.  Our group said goodbye to each other and off through the security lines we went….  Once past security we found lots of duty free stores to spend our last Euros …. It seemed to take forever waiting for them to call our boarding announcement.    As we took off we could look out at the Island of Venice and get an even better view of this amazing city….

As for John…..
He had a 9am train ride back to Rome to get ready to meet the NEXT GROUP of travelers for their JUNIOR age volleyball tour of Italy arriving in only 8 hours time…..

This was a GREAT group… good players, fun parents…. And a wonderful experience….  Many of us will keep in contact when we get home….

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