Our first stop in Rome

Our first stop in Rome
Rome, Itlay

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

2014 Day 11 Junior Age Volleyball Tour Venice Free Day for Shopping

2014 Junior Age Volleyball Tour Day 11 Venice Free Day for Shopping
Today we had our boat tour of the Lagoon of Venice.  That meant we had to be on the other end of the Island by 9:30am…. The other side of the Island is about a 30-40 minute walk depending upon …. The TOURIST traffic… That means we need to be awake and out the door by about 8:30 am… Most of us picked up our breakfast pastry from the little café next door… others were too late and had to catch up with the group… Walking the streets of Venice is no easy task and doing it still blurry eyed in the morning is even more difficult.  We trudged on and in no time we reached our meeting point for our boat tour.   It was 9:30am and already about 85 degrees… it was HOT… and not only HOT… but HUMID too…  Once we got started going in the boat it felt better with the breeze blowing in the windows…  The boat tour visited Murano, Burano and Torcello Islands.  Each island was unique and different and each was interesting. 
Following the boat tour…. we stopped at St Marcos Square … which meant that we had to again… WALK across the Island back to our accommodations.  The walk was not really that bad… we were walking slower because it was SO HOT… and stopped for Gelato several times….
We had a group meeting at 6pm to discuss our departure from Italy…. Tomorrow morning… 
Most of us are on the same flight back to the USA and do not need to get up too early…  We are to be out the door and walking to the airport bus station at 8:00am.

The rest of today is filled with individual choices…
Gondola rides, shopping, dinner at the Hard Rock Café, dinner at some quiet out of the way location or just people watching….

The morning will come early tomorrow… so most of us are planning an early night so that we are ready to go home tomorrow…
Tomorrow…. Our Flight home

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