Our first stop in Rome

Our first stop in Rome
Rome, Itlay

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

2014 Day 10 Junior Age Volleyball Tour Venice

2014 Junior Age Volleyball Tour Day 10 Venice

Today we had to up and out the door at 8am to meet our motor coach in Tronchetto (about  a 20 minute walk from our hotel.  For a fun adventure we took the people mover to Tronchetto... The people mover is a ride like you would find at the airport to transport you from one terminal to another...  Tronchetto is where all of the large Cruise Ships drop off their passengers and transfer them to motor coaches… In no time at all we were off to the little old town of Cittadella about a 50 minute bus ride from Venice.
The gym and other facilities were the BEST of the tour…. a LARGE one court facility where they play professional basketball and volleyball and have a large gallery for spectators.
We started playing at about 10:30pm … We played the local host team of U14 age players.  We WON the first set 25-14; and LOST the second set 25-23 and played a third set winning it 25-22 also… (we were playing all 3 sets no matter what).  We had a little time before lunch ... we mixed the teams and played with and against each other... 
Following this match we walked to a little restaurant near the gym to have lunch.. it was all set up for us….

We had water, 4 cheese pasta, followed by grilled hamburger and french fries; followed by an ice cream bar…Everyone was stuffed and we decided to take a walk around the old walled city of Cittadella.  For some of us who are not comfortable with heights it was a bit of a challenge as we walked along the top of the wall about 60 feet in the air…. We made our way around the wall and back down to ground level without any issues.  As we arrived back to the gym we found the older local team warming up…they looked very good…

We had water, 4 cheese pasta, followed by grilled hamburger and french fries; followed by an ice cream bar…Everyone was stuffed and we decided to take a walk around the old walled city of Cittadella.  For some of us who are not comfortable with heights it was a bit of a challenge as we walked along the top of the wall about 60 feet in the air…. We made our way around the wall and back down to ground level without any issues.  As we arrived back to the gym we found the older local team warming up…they looked very good…

Now it was time to play the local team.  We were started to play and quickly what we had thought in the beginning was true….. they were a better team…. As we were given a lesson on the importance of serve reception…and keeping the ball in play we lost 25-9, as a friendly gesture the local team put in all of the non starters in the game .... we won  25-23.. we were playing the best of 5 games.... the local team won the next two sets 25-19 and 25-22.
This team was one of the best teams we have seen all tour… and the scores reflected it.  We decided to play a mixed set with the USA girls and the Italian girls together... it was a BLAST.... Both teams had great energy, enthusiasm and... fun...
We took photos of all the teams… said our goodbyes

It was now about 5:00pm … our motor coach took us back to Venice …
Exhausted from the long day, and the next to the final day of the trip everyone was ready to eat and go to bed.  

Tomorrow is our last day in Venice… Boat tour…. Shopping and packing

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