Our first stop in Rome

Our first stop in Rome
Rome, Itlay

Thursday, June 19, 2014

2014 Day 5 Grosseto Junior Age Volleyball Tour

2014 Junior Age Volleyball Tour Day 5 Grosseto

Today is another beautiful day in Marina…. Everyone arrived on time to beach practice… applied their sun screen and Russ, had them going through their movement drills….  After about 30-40 minutes of moving and jumping in the sand ... Russ divided the players into new teams of 4 persons.  We played for about 45 minutes in some mini games... getting use to the sand the wind and the sun ... playing in the sand is MUCH more difficult that they make it look on TV.   At about 1pm we finished the beach games… The rest of the afternoon is free to take in the beach atmosphere go swimming (John reminded us that we needed to stay in front of the beach life guard and we could only go out into the water up to our chest.... !!!)  Some of us decided just hang out and use the wifi at the beach to tell all our friends what we are doing (and to make them jealous).We had a group meeting tonight at 4:45pm at the gym to play our teams from the Marina.  The U16 team played first tonight.... they seemed to play better and moved better after the movement skills in the sand this morning....We won the first 2 sets 25-19 and 25-15 and decided to play the 3rd set as well the local team won that set 16-14.  The older girls were up next ... the level of play was quite high.... but the individuals of the older group were playing a team that has been together for 2-3 years... and their level of play showed it.... our girls lost 25-10 26-24 and 15-4.  The scores did not show how close the games really were... After the games most everyone went to the carnival (just across the street from our hotel ….) many of us went there to see what it is all about and to ride some of the rides…The time was about 11:15pm … when we made it back to our accommodations on time.  Tomorrow… More Beach Volleyball lessons – a mini beach tournament and our indoor match with the Italian girls – and a return to the carnival

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