Our first stop in Rome

Our first stop in Rome
Rome, Itlay

Thursday, June 12, 2014

2014 June Jr Volleyball Tour Meeting in Rome...

Meeting in Rome....
The individual players will be traveling with one of our staff from the USA to ITALY... and will follow the staff leader though the arrival procedure in Rome to our meting point.   For many of our travelers (who are traveling with parents) you will have your own flight schedules.... and will not be traveling with the larger group.  John will meet all of the arriving travelers at the Rome airport just outside the luggage area in TERMINAL 3 (Rome has several Terminals).  Not to worry as we will be exiting through Terminal 3 after we pick up our luggage.  Upon arrival from the USA, you will probably deplane at the Satellite Terminal. You will take a short train/shuttle ride to the Main terminal area. From there you will head towards Immigration.  Here you need to show your passport, there will be several lines of people… just get in the shortest one that say “NON-EU PASSPORTS”. (normally this is the FAR LEFT SIDE LANE...)  The passport control officer will look at your passport and... "sometimes" even stamp it.... (if they do not stamp it... you can ask for a stamp... just make the "stamping" gesture.... and MAYBE they will stamp your passport).... You are now officially in Italy..... The next stop is Baggage Claim. Look at the TV monitors to see what carousel your flight’s luggage will arrive.  The final task is to clear customs which is a non-issue.  There will be two doors to exit one says nothing to declare the other says declare goods.  You have NOTHING to DECLARE.  As you exit the luggage area turn left, there is a little café at the end of the hall.  We will meet at the little café. Everyone will arrive into Rome between 8:50am and 9:30am.  Those who arrive early can relax at the little café and have a coffee and breakfast pastry.  You will turn LEFT out of the door and head toward the CAFÉ sign at the end of the hall.  (The café may have a different name this year… but it is still the same café at the end of the hall.)


Venice, about 85 degrees, Rome 80-85 Grosseto about 80 Florence 85-90.

If there is ONE important item to consider … it is YOUR LUGGAGE….  DO NOT OVER PACK!!!!! YOU WILL BE MISERABLE … and I and those around you .... will be UNSYMPATHETIC!!!!   In every newsletter I have emphasized the point of packing light.  If you did not get the point of all of the subtle hints ...... DO NOT OVER PACK!!

EVERY TRIP …. Too many players over pack… they bring too much STUFF…  (I have to plead guilty too …on my last trip I had 2 tee shirts, 1 pair of walking shorts, and a pair of Volleyball shorts that I DID NOT EVEN WEAR….) yet I did carry them all over Europe…

You will be allowed 1 suitcase or back pack (suitcase MUST have wheels) You will be allowed 1 carry on (your issued backpack for example)
You will be allowed a personal item (purse etc)

I am happy to report that last several years we have not have any successful pickpockets, nor any money exchange problems…. That does not mean we can let our guard down…. WE are AMERICANS… we have money… and most of us are CLUELESS to the BIG CITY WORLD…. These are three reasons that Americans are GREAT targets for the pickpockets… I will talk more on this subject when we have our group meeting … I will say we can “relax – but not be careless”  Money belts or Money pouches under your shirt are REQUIRED!!  IF .. YOU DO NOT HAVE A MONEY BELT OR MONEY POUCH ...... YOU WILL HAVE A GREATER CHANCE TO BE PICK POCKETED!!!

AIR TICKETS.. You SHOULD go to your airline website... type in your name and confirmation number and double check all of your flight information BEFORE your departure date.  Our staff will be in Europe conducting another tour the day of your departure... it will be very difficult to help you at that time.... PLEASE check your flight information in advance. You have a confirmation number and will be able to access your ticket through the various airline websites.  You will be able to add your frequent flyer numbers, request specific seats and even specific meals.  Airlines have gone to E-tickets, all you need to do is to go to the airline ticket counter and present your passport.  They will issue your tickets and boarding pass at the check in desk.   Be sure to ask if your luggage is being check THROUGH to Italy .  You will not see your luggage again…….. (just a little travel humor….) Let me re-phrase that… You will reclaim your luggage in Italy.  Make sure you do NOT pack anything that you MAY need before Italy (i.e. medications passports etc…)

I used EXCLUSIVELY the ATM machines.. It works WONDERFUL.  No standing in lines, no walking around “looking for the BEST RATE”, no translation problems with the person working, no hidden extra charges, (my bank charged me about $1.50 for each of my transactions) and received a GREAT exchange rate by my bank.  I would HIGHLY recommend using an ATM card while on tour (it will need to say Cirrus or Plus or Interlink  on the back of the card).  These cards have a 4 number pin.  Check with your bank to see if your ATM card is compatible in Europe.

Credit Cards... Yes .. "don't leave home with out it.... but be sure that the credit card company knows that you will be using it in Europe.  Call the number on the back of your card and tell them that you will be using your card in Europe.   They will ask when you will be leaving and when you will return.  (do this before you leave..... it is very awkward  to do this after you have made a purchase ... and your card was refused ....)

Review .... of What to Bring .....
The following may assist you with your final planning, and what to take on the tour. 


1.  YOU carry what you bring!  2.  One check in backpack, OR Suitcase (LET ME EMPHASIZE.... a SMALL Suitcase!!!!!) Should not weigh more than 35 pounds 3.  One carry on / athletic bag that is provided.

Please DO NOT BRING 5-6 smaller bags, YOU will STRUGGLE the entire trip.

 Passport & a Photo Copy of it   Photo copy of your birth certificate
 Photo copy of your drivers license      Misc. Insurance paperwork
  Toothbrush / paste / floss ... etc. Hair care products shampoo etc.   Make up (minimal)  
DEODORANT   All PERSONAL toiletry items   Sun Tan Lotion / Block
Eye Ware / Sun Glasses /contacts   Anti Acid Tablets   Band-Aids  
Prescription Drugs in their original container Aspirin / Advil  
 Small amount of   US currency  Suggested Amount $20 - $25 per day 
Travelers Checks in denominations  of $20 -$50   Money belt or Neck safe REQUIRED
Charge cards Visa / MasterCard or Debit Card    Calculator (optional) 
  Camera  Camera Bag (optional)  
IPod etc... Phone etc...Books, cards, games, puzzles  
Phone is optional - make sure you are aware of the international charges for just having your phone.... "on" in Europe.  Some players are shocked to see an $800 fee for using their phone in Europe. Journal to write your daily log
Underwear 5 - 7 days Sweatshirt / light jacket Tee Shits 7 - 10 
Jeans or other long pants Several pair of Walking shorts    Bath Towel 
1 casual / nicer “outfit” optional   Volleyball ShoesWalking Shoes
Swim suitSandals

Church Clothing:
Remember....  to be allowed into the Churches... LONG pants for men (yes you can wear your sweat pants) and LONG pants or Dresses for the women are required, additionally “halter tops,  tank tops, tube tops, swim suit tops etc...” will not be admitted in the Churches of Rome!!!   Dress appropriately.


1 small plastic garbage/laundry bag  Sewing kit (optional)  
1 suitcase or Backpack  1 athletic type bag (provided)  
Laundry Soap (clothes washing) 1 light cord for hanging laundry  
Snacks for the long flights and Train rides Gum for the flight (ear pressure)  

GIFTS…. Each player should bring with them a small inexpensive EXCHANGE gift, to be given to ONE of the opponents before the match.  Sometimes you will receive a gift in return (sometimes this does not happen … not all teams nor players that we will be playing are as affluent as we AMERICANS are, Don’t take this as an insult .. it is simply and economic issue)
Bringing 10-12 small items will not take up much space in your luggage ....

See you in Rome


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